Friday, 27 April 2012

A Chat with a Publisher

Today I was lucky enough to receive 20 precious minutes and a critique from the managing director of a major Australian publisher. She'd read the first ten pages and synopsis of my WiP last week.


That 20 minutes turned into 40, and she gave my writing so much praise I was starting to repeat my thank yous out of sheer astonishment. I definitely used the words "you're so nice" too many times - someone could've turned it into a drinking game and gotten smashed.

Now this woman is a total stranger. She didn't know me from boo. But she saw something lurking beneath the surface of my writing, and it's something I've been struggling with for about a year.

The writing lacked ME.

It was good, she promised me. Excellent, even. But where was the passion, the uniqueness, the voice that made it stand out?

Her question brought back memories of a time in 2011 when I was writing PRINCE OF CITY NIGHTS. I had read so many "how to" guides and so many blogs that the rules/guidelines/whatever you want to call them were whirling around in my head every time I sat down to write. I struggled with a blank page for almost a month. Eventually I stopped reading blogs, shut the voices up, and just wrote.

So it's happening again. While I can switch those immediate voices off, it seems subconsciously I'm still thinking of my target audience (and getting published) over writing what's in my heart.

I'm not sure how to overcome this problem because it's so hard to get out of the mindset, but I'm thinking if I work on the story I'm writing purely for me and my friend (just for fun), as well as practicing some stream-of-conscious writing, I might be able to shake the nay-sayer voices off. If you have any extra advice, I'd be glad to hear it.

And, yes, for those of you who are curious - she asked to see the full manuscript once I'm done with revisions *insert flailing here*


  1. I'm glad it went well! I have no advice to give... "voice" is so elusive. But I like the idea of writing a book just for you.

  2. Awesome!
    I think writing just for fun definitely helps with the voice issue. I gained my writing voice by writing and writing and writing for years with no plans for the books except for me. I think that definitely helps. :)

    1. Yes, it does! I was writing for six years before really thinking about publishing anything.

  3. Hi there, congrats on the meeting!
    In regards to writing with a strong voice, I find it helps to write like I'm talking to myself. I know myself best, and I don't have to filter my thoughts and I find that somehow this helps.
    Good luck! Your blog is great :)


    As for finding your "voice," I think every author struggles with that. Maybe try writing some poetry as a warm up exercise? Poetry is generally very connected to emotions and personal voice, right? So, if you start off your writing session with something that taps into that, maybe it'll bleed through into your novel writing.

  5. Way to go! That's so exciting!

    For voice, I say take what all the writing voices with a grain of salt. Sometimes, even if it's wrong on sounds funny, just goes with what feels right.

  6. Late comment is late, BUT! Eeeee~ This all sounds so awesome! \o/ You're not even done with the draft, and you ALREADY have a publisher reading it! \o/ I am so proud and happy for you~ <3

    As for finding the "you" in your writing, well, let me just say, I don't read any guides, but I HAVE read about writing from you, Marissa, Meg, Sammy... and even just your blogs - or maybe it's BECAUSE it's your blogs - make me feel so pressured when it comes to my writing. (Hey, now that I think about it, maybe that's why I haven't been writing recently? :/ But that's a thought for another day.)

    I think you're already on the right track by thinking of your writing as just for you. I know it's difficult, what with hearing "outside" voices all around you, and of course, there's the pressure you put on yourself. But, I think you just have to push through with how you started it and persevere. And when I say "how you started", think of why you started writing - because you LIKE it. It wasn't because you wanted to get published, or that everyone else was doing it. It was simply a matter of something you like doing. Then, maybe go on from there. :)

    Lots of luck and love~ <3 You know I'm cheering for you! \o/

  7. Sounds like an awesome chat, and huge congrats on the request for a full:)

  8. Randomly stopping by your blog since I realized I haven't in a while-- congrats on the full request, that's amazing!

    I know what you mean about finding your voice. It's something that is awkwardly hard for me to do... especially with all the reading I do for blogging. I'm not willing to give that up, but sometimes I worry that I'm trying to emulate another author instead of simply writing like ME.

    You'll figure it all out. :)

  9. Randomly stopping by your blog since I realized I haven't in a while-- congrats on the full request, that's amazing!

    I know what you mean about finding your voice. It's something that is awkwardly hard for me to do... especially with all the reading I do for blogging. I'm not willing to give that up, but sometimes I worry that I'm trying to emulate another author instead of simply writing like ME.

    You'll figure it all out. :)
