Sunday, 17 June 2012


I've finished the first draft of my latest WiP! *pause for cheers* Some stats for the interested parties:

Total word count - 52,129

Projected word count (once I've added in all the extras I thought of along the way... and fixed all the plot holes, ug): 75k-80k

Date started: 28th May this year

Current feeling towards ms: I never want to see it again (Kidding! Kind of)

What will happen next: Leave it to work on second WiP and come back to it in a month or so... hopefully with a little more enthusiasm than what I'm leaving it with

YAY! Party for all!

How's everyone else's WiP going?


  1. I'm down to the final edits, before I begin the agent hunt. What I'm not looking forward to is the query letter. Then again, I hated writing cover letters, so it makes sense why that's the worst part for me.

    1. Query letters can be tricky, but once you get the hang of them, they're all right. Have you taken a look at Query Shark?

    2. Not yet, but it's on my "To Do List."

  2. I love that you basically did Nano in 21 days on your own. Nano isn't even a challenge for you, is it? XD XD CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING YOUR FIRST DRAFT!!!

    I'm about 28,500 words into the first draft of my WIP. Haven't run out of things to write yet, so I'm taking that as a good sign. Trying not to talk about it too much because I really don't want to jinx it after my last few WIP failures XD

    1. I know, so I'll act super uninterested until it's done *whistles innocently* ;-p

      And thanks! To be honest, NaNo is definitely not a challenge for me, which is why I always give myself an extra challenge eg write a story that contains no magic

  3. DAMN, GIRL. You got it done that fast?
    I wish you luck with the revisions!

  4. Wow, congrats on finishing, and so quickly too. Hopefully you'll feel better about coming back to this story in a month or two. Editing/rewriting is brutal, but worth it, as I'm discovering! I'm so far behind on camp nano but determined to make it by the end.

    1. Oh, good luck! I'll be rooting for you!

  5. I feel like I'm always saying this to you but omg you are so amazing/awe-inspiring. YOU GO, GIRL *POM POMs*
