Tuesday, 17 September 2013


It's been five months since my last post. Now isn't the right time to explain where I've been, but I'll say that it wasn't a pleasant place. I'll also say I've reached a point where I'm ready to kick my preppy, "never-give-up-yay-failure" Past Self in the behind.

But with my newest high fantasy WiP out with betas and the initial responses looking pretty positive, I'm going to dare show a hint of optimism. Below is my playlist for the story, with each themed title linking to youtube clips of the songs. I'm sure the only person who gets a kick out of these is the author, but hey, some of you might find use in the instrumental pieces. (The best thing about scores is they're written specifically for emotional scenes, so they're great to write to.)

1. Dedication (This book will be dedicated to my BFF)

2. Bombs in Allayz de Savogn

3. Priestess

4. It Always Rains in La Vierz

5. Deep State Meditation

6. A Wedding Turns Sour

7. Sanctum and Storytime

8. Kissing by Campfires

9. Death in Ytzuam

10. The Warriors Separate

11. Hypothermia

12. Something Else to Live For

13. Jhaizi Mountains

14. Flying Through a Storm

15. The Library Falls

16. Four is the Perfect Number

17. Lost in the Spirit Realm

18. Champions for Humanity

19. Red Stars Rise

20. Acknowledgements

Oops, there were more Doctor Who scores in there than I expected. I never thought I'd like anything by the artist for number 8, but those lyrics were crazy perfect, so there you go. Also, number 18 is TOTALLY the theme song for the whole story. Yay number 18.

Maybe this music won't mean much to you now, but at least you have some hints as to what the story will be about. Or... you'll be more confused than ever. Either way, enjoy!


  1. Playlists are so much fun because they add almost a movie element. Glad to see you back on the blogosphere <3
